Construction of an object by means of glider
collisions. It is generally assumed that the gliders should be
arranged so that they could come from infinity. That is, gliders
should not have had to pass through one another to achieve the
initial arrangement.
Glider syntheses for all still lifes and known oscillators with
at most 14 cells were found by Dave Buckingham. As of June 2018,
this limit has been increased to 18 cells.
Perhaps the most interesting glider syntheses are those of
spaceships, because these can be used to create corresponding
guns and rakes. Many of the c/2 spaceships that are based on
standard spaceships have been synthesized, mostly by Mark Niemiec.
In June 1998 Stephen Silver found syntheses for some of the
Corderships (although it was not until July 1999 that Jason Summers
used this to build a Cordership gun). In May 2000, Noam Elkies
suggested that a 2c/5 spaceship found by Tim Coe in May 1996 might be
a candidate for glider synthesis. Initial attempts to construct a
synthesis for this spaceship got fairly close, but it was only in
March 2003 that Summers and Elkies managed to find a way to perform
the crucial last step. Summers then used the new synthesis to build
a c/2 forward rake for the 2c/5 spaceship; this was the first example
in Life of a rake which fires spaceships that travel in the same
direction as the rake but more slowly.
A 3-glider synthesis of a pentadecathlon is shown in the diagram
below. This was found in April 1997 by Heinrich Koenig and came as a
surprise, as it was widely assumed that anything using just three
gliders would already be known.
Game of Life Explanation
The Game of Life is not your typical computer game. It is a cellular
automaton, and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway.
This game became widely known when it was mentioned in an article
published by Scientific American in 1970. It consists of a grid of
cells which, based on a few mathematical rules, can live, die or
multiply. Depending on the initial conditions, the cells form various
patterns throughout the course of the game.
For a space that is populated:
Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by solitude.
Each cell with four or more neighbors dies, as if by
Each cell with two or three neighbors survives.
For a space that is empty or unpopulated:
Each cell with three neighbors becomes populated.
More information
Video’s about the Game of Life
The rules are explained in Stephen Hawkings’ documentary The
Meaning of Life
John Conway himself talks about the Game of Life